
Giacomazzi Food Tech S.r.L. has set itself the goal of developing increasingly innovative products by expanding the sectors in which it operates. To achieve and maintain the set objectives over time, the Company adopts a Quality Management System based on the UNI EN ISO 9001 standards. The Company Management System has been developed to ensure effective and efficient use of resources, focusing attention on the expectations of customers and other interested parties. In line with these principles and with the values ​​reported in the Organization and Management Model, this Policy defines the general guidelines of Giacomazzi Food Tech S.r.L. for the implementation of the Quality Management System.


Adopt and maintain an effective Quality Management System in the processes, products and services of the context in which it operates, in compliance with the legal requirements of the applicable regulations and in compliance with other requirements that the Company decides to voluntarily sign; define the responsibilities assigned to all company functions, verifying that they have been understood and applied; ensure the availability of the resources, information and knowledge necessary for the operation and control of processes, through periodic training and training activities aimed at informing employees about the relevance and importance of their activities and the way in which they contribute to the achievement of the defined objectives; motivate and involve all staff so that they develop an ever greater awareness of the importance of their role, promote shared values ​​and correct models of reduce the risks related to the activities carried out; define and disseminate clear documented information aimed at ensuring effective and efficient functioning of processes and product control also in terms of health and safety at work and in environmental matters; understand and strengthen the relationship with customers and other interested parties, improving their degree of satisfaction through products and services in line with expectations; define improvement objectives, and periodically monitor the results obtained by sharing them with interested parties; identify the causes of non-compliance and ensure rapid responses and effective; carry out audits to measure the implementation and effectiveness of the Quality Management System and its compliance with this Policy, ensuring the adoption of appropriate corrective actions to remove any causes of inadequacy of the Management System; select and qualify the suppliers of products and services that have an impact on the final quality of processes and products, involving them, as far as they are concerned, in achieving the company objectives; identify the needs for technological innovation to develop new products and processes according to market expectations. The heads of the Operating Units and Central Functions of Giacomazzi Food Tech S.r.L. must implement and disseminate the commitments and directives listed above and develop activities aimed at achieving company objectives and continuously improving the effectiveness of the Quality Management System. This Policy must be made available to all internal and external interested parties